Slowness, the sequel

Ok. After some more testing, I have to face it : my cache isn’t that good. When the cache is used at full capacity (ie nothing is read from the Saturn memory, everything is already in the vector and cells are just displayed to the framebuffer, I only have a 0.5 fps increase …

So I did some more thinking.
The cache is organized like that :

  • one map storing 8*8 pixels textures (one texture from the map can be used by one or more cells)
  • one vector storing cells (up to 4096 by page), each cell being linked to a texture in the map

Currently the cache detects when a cell has changed in the Saturn memory, reloading it if necessary. So when the framebuffer is filled with vector data, each cell is displayed.
Here’s the catch : this method isn’t using the graphic card memory to store texture data. So every cell displayed is loaded in memory, displayed then discarded. That costs a lot performance wise …

So I’ve decided to do it another way :

  • the map and vector contents will stay the same as before
  • display to the framebuffer won’t be done directly : instead 512*512 pixels textures will be defined, filled with cell data, and stored into the graphic card memory. In that case a whole page (4096 cells) will be cached at one time, and reused at will.

I need to be careful not to saturate the graphic card memory, but I expect a huge perf increase 🙂

And as a nice bonus, I can this way handle per dot and per cell priority, without much effort 😉

Now that’s the theory. I hope that I won’t be disapointed by the results …

Slowness …

My cache isn’t crashing anymore, but there’s another problem now : speed is way too slow 🙁
At the end of the Sega Saturn logo assembly in the bios, where the VPD2 is used for the first time, speed slows down to 2 fps … I’ve tried to profile the program to see where the bottleneck is, but it was of no use.
I suspect however something in the fact that I’m now filling the list with the whole VDP2 page (512*512 pixels) instead of just the display area as it was until now (320*224 in that case). That means a lot of extra calculations, I’ll do some testing tonight to see if I’m right, and what can be done if that’s the case …

Stay tuned !

VDP2 problem found

Great news ! I think I’ve found out where my problem is …
Actually I was using one vector to store texture data, and another one to store parts to be displayed. Each VDP2 background is splitted into smaller parts of 8*8 pixels, each of them having a texture linked to it.
But this link was done pointing to the texture data from outside the vector, instead of inside, meaning that a texture value which was correct at part creation wasn’t anymore when it was displayed, leading to a crash as pointers were invalid …

I’ve decided to use a map instead of a vector to store the list of textures, as the key to access data can be easily calculated (texture address + color mode). It needs a lot of modifications as the program wasn’t supposed to work that way, but I think that’s the right way, as now the texture will be referenced by its map key in the VDP2 part instead of a pointer to the texture …

On a side note, I remembered a mail from Fabien from early 2006 stating that he corrected a bug in the SCSP that was responsible for stopped / choppy video display … I applied his correction to Saturnin (it was about time ^^)
We’ll see later if it really changes something.

Cd block is done

The cdblock is now finished, I only had one bug left in my SPTI code which was quickly corrected after some testing.
I’m quite happy as it went smoothly, that was somewhat unexpected 🙂

Update I did some testing without the VDP2 activated, and the SPTI code works great ! Without backgrounds it’s not really interesting, but sound is working for games, meaning that SPTI is fully functionnal 🙂
Now back to the VDP2 cache. (for real :p)

Code cleaning

Not much time lately, but I’m still advancing :

  • all the access method code is now removed from the cdrom class, and added to the corresponding files. I took the opportunity to get rid of a bunch of unused code,
  • C code used to build the file system tree is now converted to a more maintainable C++ / STL code.

The only thing left to do is to create the ReadTOC function in SPTI. It won’t be a problem, and I expect to finish it tonight. When that’s done, I’ll get back to the VDP2 cache problem 🙂

Done with the dll

The “dll compliant” code is in place 🙂
What does it mean :

  • the wnaspi32.dll isn’t loaded at the start, it’s only loaded when needed (reading cdrom system id, displaying the cd drive list, etc.)
  • when you choose the access method to the cd drive (ASPI or SPTI), Saturnin asks to choose the correct drive within a list. When using ASPI the SCSI address is displayed (1:0:0 for instance), while the letter drive is displayed when using SPTI (E: for instance)
  • all the cd access code is now splitted into separate files, which means that a very few work is needed to switch to a full dll application. If I got a little more spare time, I would do a SPTI dll for Satourne 😉

Now that the harder part is done, let’s get to the longer one :

  • creating the missing SPTI functions, not much are missing (read TOC, and a few others)
  • converting the ASPI functions still in the cdrom class (same as above : read TOC and a few more)
  • converting some of the cdrom functions to full C++ and STL, as they were coded by Fabien in C originally and aren’t compatible anymore with my code …

That is starting to look pretty good !
All this will need extensive testing when the cache problem will be solved 😀

Configuration saving trouble

Got the basic SPTI routines running. Now Saturnin can select a drive, save it by its letter, and read data from the cd inserted. The structures are now shared between ASPI and SPTI, and the drive letter is saved (instead of the id)
However there’s a problem : this technique cannot be used for ASPI, as there’s no way to map correctly windows drive letter to the internal SCSI configuration.

How does it work :


  • you get a handle to a drive by its letter (D: for example)
  • you use this handle to get the SCSI address of the drive (bus/target/lun)- and then you use ioctl to get the data configuration from the drive, using the SCSI address


  • you scan the SCSI chain, testing for each address if it’s a cdrom drive or not
  • if that’s the case you save the SCSI address of the current drive
  • you get the logical drive list from Windows and try to map it to the SCSI address

The problem with ASPI is that you don’t have a function to map the drive letter to the SCSI address … you can get a list of logical drives, but you can only guess it’s mapping. It won’t work for people changing the order of the drive letters in Windows.

Quick example :

Before modifying logical letters
Windows letterSCSI addressPosition
D: (cdrom)0/0/00
E: (dvdrom)0/1/01
F: (virtual drive)0/2/02
After modifying logical letters
Windows letterSCSI addressPosition
B: (virtual drive)0/2/00
D: (cdrom)0/0/01
E: (dvdrom)0/1/02

Using ASPI, as we only have the position in the SCSI chain, the letter mapping won’t be accurate …

I did look into FrogAspi, as it was supposed to be an ASPI replacement, and much to my regret it’s also based on ioctl, so it’s not usable on Windows 9X systems 🙁

Update : I’ve decided to get round this problem by saving the SCSI address in ASPI mode. The only drawback being that you won’t have a letter displayed in the drives list when you’re in ASPI mode …

Header hell

When you’re trying to make new stuff work, you begin by setting everything up, coding test routines, solving problems, and when everything seems to work the way it’s supposed to, you try to put the code in a more formal way to be usable by the rest of the program. And that’s typically the moment when new and unexpected problems arise …

Actually, the problem I ran into was related to file header inclusion and external variables declaration. Some headers were included more than once, others were overlapping, etc … A real mess.
After looking around to see what’ll be the best way to solve this, I decided to put every needed header file in a single one which will be called by every cpp file. It went smoothly on the code generation, but then the linker went berserk : more than 1000 errors ! What the hell ?!??

I had to dig further into my code, and finally I found out what was the problem : some extern variables were explicitally declared as using C linkage, result of years of coding without knowing in depth some of the specificities of the language …
Now everything uses C++ linkage, Saturnin compiles like a charm, and that’s great news 🙂

Back to my SPTI routines now … :p

Goodbye mvSCSI, hello SPTI !

So I’ve decided to let down mvSCSI, for 2 main reasons :

  • the creator hasn’t contacted me since the last time, I don’t know if he still has the problem I pointed out or if he doesn’t care (I don’t blame him)
  • it needs the dll to be bundled with the emulator, which isn’t really good if I want one day to put the relative code in its own dll … meaning that 2 dlls are needed in order to make it work.

So I spent some more time trying to access sectors using SPTI directly, and I was successful using SCSI_PATH_THROUGH_WITH_BUFFER. SCSI_CDROM_RAW_READ still doesn’t work though, but that’s not that important as raw sector read isn’t needed for now (maybe it won’t be needed at all 😉 )

So what’s next to develop :

  • functions to get the cdrom players list and to save them to the config file
  • shared structures between ASPI & SPTI to have code as portable as possible between the 2
  • put ASPI code in its own files
  • functions to take care of what’s nedeed by the Saturn from the SPTI side (read TOC, read sector, etc. )
  • code to switch between SPTI and ASPI

Bye bye globals !

I had to do a bit of cleaning in my interface code, and I took the opportunity to get rid of a bunch of global variables … less they are, better it is 😉 Anyway I’m now going to change the way selected cd-rom is saved in the config file, to fix the problem that PsyMan talked about earlier. I’ll also have to lift the SPTI/ASPI code out of the cd-rom class, as it doesn’t really belong here … After that I think’ll try to go back to my texture cache problem, as I can’t test cd-rom access while it’s still happening …