VDP2 problem found

Great news ! I think I’ve found out where my problem is …
Actually I was using one vector to store texture data, and another one to store parts to be displayed. Each VDP2 background is splitted into smaller parts of 8*8 pixels, each of them having a texture linked to it.
But this link was done pointing to the texture data from outside the vector, instead of inside, meaning that a texture value which was correct at part creation wasn’t anymore when it was displayed, leading to a crash as pointers were invalid …

I’ve decided to use a map instead of a vector to store the list of textures, as the key to access data can be easily calculated (texture address + color mode). It needs a lot of modifications as the program wasn’t supposed to work that way, but I think that’s the right way, as now the texture will be referenced by its map key in the VDP2 part instead of a pointer to the texture …

On a side note, I remembered a mail from Fabien from early 2006 stating that he corrected a bug in the SCSP that was responsible for stopped / choppy video display … I applied his correction to Saturnin (it was about time ^^)
We’ll see later if it really changes something.

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